COVID-19 Updates

More Info Here


Until Further Notice, There Will Only Be One Weekly Service at 11 AM on Sundays.

  • Do not attend if you do not feel well or have a fever!
  • We ask that you please wear

mask until seated and leave a row between families if possible.

  • Please observe appropriate social distancing guidelines as you enter the church and sit maintaining 6 feet distance between non-family members. 
  • Face masks are welcome but not required. 
  • Washable face masks and hand sanitizer will be available.
  • Please keep physical contact to a minimum. (Smiling, waving, and praising God are encouraged!)
  • There will be no choir singing.
  • We will not "pass the plate" for offerings. There will be a collection as you exit service.

We greatly appreciate your patience and support through these changes as we continue gathering in person to worship and study God's word!